Plane wave expansion

In physics the plane wave expansion expresses a plane wave as a sum of spherical waves,

  e^{i\mathbf{k}\cdot\mathbf{r}} = e^{ikr\cos\theta}=\sum_{l=0}^\infty i^l (2l%2B1) j_l(kr)P_l(\cos\theta),

where i=\sqrt{-1}. The wave vector \mathbf{k}=(k_x,k_y,k_z) has length k=|\mathbf{k}| and the vector \mathbf{r}=(x,y,z) has length r=|\mathbf{r}|. The angle between the vectors \mathbf{k} and \mathbf{r} is \theta. The functions j_l are Sperical Bessel functions and P_l are Legendre polynomials.

With the spherical harmonic addition theorem the equation can be rewritten as

  e^{i\mathbf{k}\cdot\mathbf{r}} = 4\pi\sum_{l=0}^\infty\sum_{m=-l}^l i^l j_l(kr)

where (r,\theta_r,\phi_r) and (r,\theta_k,\phi_k) are the spherical coordinates of the vectors \mathbf{r} and \mathbf{k}, respectively, and the functions Y_{lm} are spherical harmonics.


The plane wave expansion is applied in

See also
